Friday, April 27, 2018

Homework for the first week of May

Congratulations again on your St. George Day performances, writings, etc.

This week has been a bit of a mess... So, I want to make sure everybody knows what you have to do for the next couple of weeks.
4th ESO C

Homework for Wednesday 2nd May:

-Complete the Present Perfect vs. Past Simple grammar table. (Photocopy)

-Workbook: pages 27-28-29-30 and page 73.
(Read p.72 if you have doubts and remember there is a complete Relationships vocabulary list on page 90).

Homework for "Speaking group B" only: 

- You must write a short paragraph describing the story in the "Hard 2 Face Reality" video we've seen today. Try to revise the relationships vocabulary first to use it in your writing. 

All of you should have your presentation ready for the second week of May (Monday 7th May)
Remember on Wednesday 9th May we'll do a test for Unit 4.
4th ESO B

Homework for Thursday 3rd of May:

-Complete the Present Perfect vs. Past Simple grammar table. (Photocopy)

All of you should have your presentation ready for the second week of May (Monday 7th May)
Remember on Thursday 10th May we'll do a test for Unit 4.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Song or poem presentation

Remember before Monday 16th you must send me your presentation about one of the songs in the photocopies or the one you chose.
Send it to

1. Prepare a short presentation  about one of these 5 texts with information you have found interesting about the song/poem. Use a digital tool of your choice: powerpoint, prezi, canva, padlet, linoit, etc... It can be about the meaning, the singer/writer, the life of the singer/writer, the videoclip, the vocabulary in it, etc. It must take you at least 5 min. to explain it (8 min. maximum). You choose, but don’t just copy from Wikipedia, use your words!
2. Prepare 4-5 questions about your presentation to ask your classmates after listening to your presentation.

JUNE 2018

Dimarts 19 de Juny a les 10h tenim l'examen de recuperació i millora d'Anglès. RECUPERACIÓ 4t ESO: L'examen constarà de: ...